Has the prophecy in the book of daniel been fulfilled

In the 10th chapter of daniel, we are told that daniel had a vision in the third year of cyrus king of persia. The roman empire as future prophecy mark hitchcock. The amazing prophecy of daniel 11 and how it defies sceptics. Image via wikipedia much has been written on the prophetic text of the babylonian exile of judah in an attempt to answer the question, when are daniels 70 weeks fulfilled. In this passage, jeremiah said that the jews would survive their captivity in babylon and return home, and both parts of this prophecy were ultimately fulfilled.

The prophet wrote the book and its magnificent prophecies in babylon. Many jews had been taken as captives to babylon beginning around 605 bc. In my book prophecy proof insights of the end times, i referenced over 2,450 old testament prophecy related verses which aid our understanding of the future. It focuses on the parts of the 70 weeks prophecy, revealed by the angel gabriel, which have already been fulfilled, concentrating mainly on verses 24 to 26. In the 11 th chapter of daniel is a most amazing prophecy and atheists and sceptics have left no stone unturned in a vain attempt to discredit it find this text a little difficult to read over our pattern. This means that either the prophecy is false or the methods of calculation have been invalid.

Peter taught that the day of pentecost was a fulfillment of this prophecy. Hopefully, this article will help remove some of the barriers that hinder many from believing that the bible is the true word of god. Those who have been following this series on the errors of preterism have learned that the heart of their false interpretative approach to bible prophecy revolves around what they call time texts. Because daniel 8 has to do with the end times, so then does its more complete explanation as given in the 11th chapter have to do with the end times. In either case, if he misstated the matter regarding daniel, his claim of being the son of god would be nullified. This is the same period of time that zechariah speaks about in israels coming holocaust see next entry and the book of revelation describes. Daniel chapter 9a the 69 weeks this is the first of two videos on daniel chapter 9.

What bible prophecies have been fulfilled within the last. That is to say, the fulfillment of the vision of daniel took place in the year a. Recent events appear to be setting the stage for the fulfillment of this pivotal prophecy. This means that daniel 2 and 7 were fulfilled over two thousand years ago before the birth of christ. The whole of this prophecy from the times and corresponding events has been fulfilled to the very letter. Consider how clearly he determines the year of manifestation. At least in these passages, some aspects of endtimes prophecy have been fulfilled. Seven prophecies that must be fulfilled before jesus christs. Many suggest this is talking about the end of the two kingdoms, or the time of the old covenant, but this cannot be so, based on daniel. The imagery, information, characters and timing found in daniel 7 are all seen more fully in revelation. The book of daniel, in chapters 2 and 7, contain some stunning prophecies that were given to the prophet daniel concerning world empires. The first segments of daniel s prophecy have come to pass with precision that could only be guided by the master of the universe, but there remains the seventieth 7 to fulfill which.

Perhaps some christians will have their faith strengthened by the contents discussed here. Critics say the book of daniel is a historical rather than a prophetic book. The description of the prophecy fulfilled was spot on. Are there prophecies in the old testament that have not. Fulfilled prophecy a potent argument for the bible by r. I have found that, often, important national and international events that indicate bible prophecy being fulfilled are not reported by mainstream media. Thus, prophecy has been and will be fulfilled during the current church age. The preterist latin for past believes that most, if not all prophecy has already been fulfilled, usually in relation to the destruction of jerusalem in a. I thought this was going to be deep and confusing because that is what the book of daniel is but they kept it very simple.

Fulfilled prophecies and other evidence that the bible is the. Revelation fulfilled, unveiling the mystery of the book of. These visions are not about the disasters or supernatural phenomenon at the end time or at the end of the world, but about the major historical events in the christian history in the past two thousand years. Careful research by modern textual scholars, however, has validated the early origin of this prophecy, establishing daniel as the authentic author. How many prophecies in the bible have not been fulfilled. Futurists future usually believe that almost no prophetic events are occurring in the current church age, but will take place in the following future events. There are hundreds and possibly thousands of prophecies in the bible that have been fulfilled. If that can be done conclusivelyand it canthen daniel s prophetic vision in daniel 8 stands as a fulfilled, predictive prophecy, and an infallible proof of the bibles inspiration and the existence of god who inspired the book. He penned a commentary on the book of daniel, in which he mentioned a skeptic by the name of porphyry, who wrote his twelfth book against the prophecy of daniel, denying that it was composed by the person to whom it is ascribed in its title, but rather by some individual living in judaea at the time of antiochus who was surnamed epiphanes.

The prophecy of daniel 9 stated that messiah would confirm the covenant or would cause the covenant to prevail with many of daniel s people for the week or seven years. After angel gabriel declared to daniel the plans god has within 490 years dan 9. Daniel intro to daniel biblica the international bible society. While praying for israels forgiveness an angel revealed to daniel the year in which god would forgive the sins of his people. C3, piii, dating back to the second and third centuries b. Perhaps no prophetic text suffers more at the hands of exegetes than does that of daniel 9. A key to the visions and prophecies of the book of daniel gaebelein, arno clemens on. Many people alive today think that christs return is imminent. The fact that those prophecies were fulfilled so precisely has caused some scholars to question whether they were really written in the sixth century b. Previous generations have thought that jesus christ would return in their lifetimes, but they were proven wrong. My experience with fulfilled prophecies has been that they are of the following types. God concludes his revelation by assuring daniel, the dream is certain, and its interpretation is sure v. Plus, the book of daniel has been found in the oldest greek bible translation, the septuagint, and in the dead sea scrolls see dead sea scrolls. The whole attempt, therefore, to make the book of daniel history instead of prophecy, written in the second century and fulfilled by that date, has been considered untenable by orthodoxy.

More than any other book of the hebrew scriptures, the writings of the prophet daniel confront us with. They believe that greece is the fourth kingdom because they have accepted that the book of daniel was not written by daniel around the year 530 bc, but by someone hundreds of years later in. Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the book of daniel make up daniels final vision, describing a series of conflicts between the unnamed king of the north and king of. Try here the 11 th chapter of daniel contains a prophecy which has been fulfilled in incredible detail. We have not yet reached the tribulation, the revelation of the antichrist, or other endtime events. Many of the prophecies in the book of daniel already have been fulfilled, and in remarkable detail. Harold willmington of liberty university has listed 416 bible prophecies that have been fulfilled in accordance with their projected time table. Image via wikipedia much has been written on the prophetic text of the babylonian exile of judah in an attempt to answer the question, when are daniel s 70 weeks fulfilled.

Every prophecy of the bible that should have been fulfilled to this date has been fulfilled. Actually, the four horseriders already came and most of the visions of prophecies in the book of revelation have already been fulfilled. The angel informs him that seventy weeks have been decreed for them, and then gives a detailed but cryptic description of those weeks. A line or two of prophecy along with the scripture verse. Daniel, writes about the tribulation period, also known as daniel s 70th week found in daniel 9. Alexander the great reads about himself in daniel chapter. The span of time that daniel s prophecy covers, includes the signs of the opening of the sixth seal and with it, of the third era, as explained by jesus the christ. Apr 27, 2018 king cyrus was the anointed one in isaiahs prophecy.

Bible prophecy popular fulfilled prophecies signs. Prophecies that cannot be fulfilled and promises that have been forfeited many christians have been misled on a very important matter causing a great deal of confusion. Therefore, we can trust all the prophecies given to daniel. Most false teachings on prophecy are a result of the teacher not understanding how the prophecy has already been fulfilled, so they speculate that it must be future. What bible prophecies have been fulfilled within the last 10. Humanity will not totally destroy itself and this planet. Trump prophecy trump fulfilled daniels prophecy youtube. Have any aspects of end times prophecy been fulfilled. However, the problem with this is that the time allotted for the fulfillment of the 70week prophecy has already passed and the prophecy has still not been fulfilled. Prophecy being fulfilled in current events this page is designed to help you stay informed as to how bible prophecy is being fulfilled in current events. Certainly, the bible contains prophecies that could not have been fulfilled until this generation.

As we compare daniel chapter 8 with daniel chapter 11, we will find that dan. Is the stage being set for the fulfillment of daniel 11. In those days i, daniel, was mourning three full weeks. Were the prophecies of daniel 2 and 7 fulfilled before the. The messianic time table according to daniel the prophet jews. According to those who dont believe the book was written by daniel, it was written in the second century b. The prophecy of daniel 11 includes amazing details about great empires, political developments and endtime powers that would affect the jewish people.

Here is a prophecy that has not yet been fulfilled, and yet it is the most important of all. The widely held view that the book of daniel is largely fictional rests. Fulfilled prophecy daniel 78 evidence for the bible pt3. Discover how the prophecies in the book of daniel are being unsealed in the events taking place today. There are prophecies that will be fulfilled at the time of the end. A key to the visions and prophecies of the book of daniel.

Daniel 11 prophecy already fulfilled king of the north. Ancient stories of specific predictions being fulfilled merely asserting without supporting evidence that the prophecy was given before the event took pla. If the book of daniel was a fraudulent production, christ was either ignorant of the matter, or dishonest about the prophecy s authorship. Sep 12, 2012 daniel 11 contains a long and detailed prophecy, largely fulfilled between the time of alexander the great and jesus christ. The book of daniel is one of the most thrilling books in the bible, and it is, of course, a book on prophecy. All doubt as to that has been forever removed, and men who still repeat the infidel oppositions against the book, oppositions of a past generation, must be branded as ignorant, or considered the willful enemies of the bible. The reasoning behind this is that it says in the time of the end. Seventy weeks 70 x 7 are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. The 70 weeks of daniel prophecy has nothing to do with the end times, as it was fulfilled during the 490 years from 457 b. Angel gabriel gave daniel 70 weeks prophecy with very clear timings.

The following posts lay out a case that the book of revelation was written prior to 70 ad, and that this book has much to say about the destruction of jerusalem and apostate israel which took place in johns day. Prophecies of daniel prophecies fulfilled, and yet to be. But part of the prophecy remains to be fulfilled at the time of the end. Fulfilled prophecies and other evidence that the bible is the word of god matthew mcgee. Daniel 12 bible prophecy deception not about end times. With it, the view that the fourth kingdom is greece and not rome has been also rejected by conservative. Other than the book of daniel which was sealed up until the appointed time of the end, the old testament says nothing about the last days or the second. The whole of this prophecy from the times and corresponding events has been fulfilled.

In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniels prayer for god to act on behalf of his. David guzik commentary on daniel 11, which contains one of the most specifically fulfilled prophecies of the bible, including the rise of the antichrist. But, in 538 bc, they were released from captivity and many eventually returned to their homeland. Bible prophecy charts the bible was designed to be a guide to all who wish to become acquainted with the will of their maker. In this article, we are going to examine this most detailed prophecy that gabriel gave to daniel. After all, how could any man have accurately predicted the rise of successive world. However, we have the witness of the author himself daniel 12.

The passage states that from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. After all, there are thousands of history books, many. For the first time in two thousand years, the prophecies in the book of revelation have been fulfilled and decoded with the historical events in the christian history. Revelation fulfilled unveiling the 2,000year mystery of the book of revelation. Please read the prophecies fulfilled for further information on this subject. The significance of the number 7 in the book of revelation. But the parts daniel himself was most desirous to know about are for the endtime soon to come. Daniels prophecy the chronological gospels episode 12. Daniel 8 started with the medopersian and the grecomacedonian empires represented by a ram and an hegoat.

Daniel 11 contains a long and detailed prophecy, largely fulfilled between the time of alexander the great and jesus christ. List of bible prophecies not yet fulfilled believers portal. Apr 23, 2019 my experience with fulfilled prophecies has been that they are of the following types. Alexander the great reads about himself in daniel chapter 8. Since other prophecies found in the book of daniel, such as the 70year prophecy of jeremiah and the 70weeks prophecy indicating the year of the appearance of the messiah, were fulfilled exactly as predicted, we can have confidence that god also provided the details found in this prophecy in daniel 11 long before they took place. Daniel 10 records his sorrow and the purpose of the angels message. Chapter 11 prophecies in daniel, part i prophetic dreams. Daniel 9 purports itself to have been written during the babylonian captivity of the sixth century b.

List of bible prophecies fulfilled believers portal. Violent men among your own people is a reference to some jews who joined with the army of antiochus but without success the ptolemaic general scopas crushed the rebellion in 200 or 199 bc. Everything seems to point to donald trump as being the anointed ruler in daniel s 70 weeks prophecy. Daniel 2 records that king nebuchadnezzar saw in a dream a great statue of a man. The most detailed prophecy in the bible life, hope. In fact, one of daniel s prophecies, concerning the downfall of king belshazzar, came to pass the very night the prophecy was made dan. Preface luke, through the holy spirit, tells us exactly how to study the word of god when he wrote in acts 17. As for the remaining prophecy of daniel 11, from verse 40 to 45, i do not believe this has been fulfilled yet. Is it even possible to understand daniel s 70week prophecy. The history and prophecy of the middle east the trumpet. Bible prophecy was fulfilled so dramatically and tangibly in the secular world with alexander in jerusalem, reading about himself in daniel chapter 8.

Many have attempted to identify the beginning and ending dates of this prophecy using a. Seven prophecies that must be fulfilled before jesus. In verse 14, the king of the south became ptolemy v epiphanes of egypt 203181 bc. Daniel 10 and 11 describe what would take place during that time, and daniel 12 gives more information about the desolation of the jews in 70 a. God is going to set up a kingdom that will last forever. As shown in the above covenant eschatology commentary on daniel 9. However, i believe that modern scholars fallaciously date the book of daniel to the second century b. Daniel 7 is the old testament chapter that most thoroughly prepares us for the book of revelation. The historicist present sees much of the current church age as equal to the tribulation period. There are general consensus in such interpretation as that part of the prophecy is directly interpreted and empires called by name. In the bible, the prophecy of seventy weeks chapter 9 of the book of daniel is a prophecy given to daniel by the angel gabriel in response to daniel s prayer for god to act on behalf of his people and city i. Rating is available when the video has been rented. For most, the fact that daniel 10 and 11 record nearly 400 years of middle eastern conflict is not a big deal. However, isaiah made many other prophecies, some of which have been only partially fulfilled and others not at all.

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